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Pre-Seminary Studies: Dan Weber '04 and Aaron Bird '13

July 07, 2021 - 1 minute read

Dan Weber and Aaron Bird

Aaron Bird '13
Associate Pastor at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Federal Way, Washington
Dan Weber '04
Senior Pastor at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Federal Way, Washington

Aaron: For a long time I felt called to ministry but didn’t know if I wanted to be a missionary, a youth minister, a parish pastor or something else. CUI was a big part of that journey for me. My development as a Christian and a future church worker was especially shaped by the close-knit campus community and an amazing group of friends.

Today, Dan and I serve as a ministry team at a church near Seattle, on the frontlines of secular culture. Our team ministry environment here causes us to really know each other and appreciate the different roles we fill and giftings we bring to church work.

Share your life with friends and professors. Seek out mentors to give you good counsel and speak into difficult situations. A team approach will enrich your life and ministry in ways you might not have considered.

Dan: Like Aaron, I was profoundly impacted by the relationships I made at CUI. I met my wife and some of my best friends and colleagues there. I really learned the value of being vulnerable, of sharing my struggles with friends and asking for help from professors. Those people want you to succeed, and they want to help shape you for Christ and his world. In that way especially, CUI helped me be who I am today.

You don’t need to have it all together. It takes humility and courage to be open. Ask for help everywhere you can and be vulnerable.

The Pre-Seminary Program

The Pre-Seminary Program equips future pastors with the training essential for seminary education and ministry. Pastors bring God’s gifts of Word and Sacrament to His people all over the world. With our outstanding faculty and the diverse context of Southern California, CUI is a great place to begin your preparation.

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